
Learning Englisg - July-14, 2009 - part 2

A: So, Mr Ishida, let me freshen your glass.
B: Thank you. I'm fine.
A: Some more strawberries, then, perhaps?
B: Er, not at the moment, thank you.
A: I am sorry about this weather... I'm afraid. The forecast did say we might have showers. But I'm sure it'll blow over in half an hour or so. So, how are you enjoying the match?
B: Very entertaining, I'm sure...
A: Good. Splendid... So, tell me, have you been to one of these big tournaments before? The American Open perhaps?
B: Ah, no, I haven't.
A: Ah. But I hear you're quite a tennis fan, though.
B: Er, not really. In fact, I never watch tennis normally.
A: Oh,... I see. My marketing people must have made a mistake.
B: Maybe they meant table tennis. I used to play for my university in Tokyo - many years ago.
A: ... Yes. I understand the Japanese are world table tennis champions, isn't that right?
B: As a matter of fact, that's the Chinese.
A: Ah, yes, of course... Erm, so, do you still play?
B: Not any more. Much too old for running around now.
A: Oh, I'm sure thats not true.
B: I assure you it is true...
A: Oh, right. Sorry. Erm,... I see the Nikkei's looking strong. That must be good for you.
B: Not especially. For Japan economic recovery is still a long way off.
A: Oh? I read somewhere that things were improving. Or ma I mistaken?
B: Over-optimism, I'm afraid.

splendid a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 有光彩的;燦爛的
The king was wearing a splendid golden crown.
2. 壯麗的;輝煌的
We won another splendid victory.
3. 顯著的;傑出的
My kid sister has a splendid memory.

tournaments n. (名詞 noun)[C]
1. 比賽;錦標賽;聯賽
Our team won the championship in the basketball tournament.
2. (中世紀騎士的)馬上比武(大會)

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