
Expand Your Horizons - 《Your Best Life Begins Each Morning》

詩篇 31:24    凡仰望耶和華的人,你們都要壯膽,堅固你們的心!
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.
PSALIM 31:24

Perhaps we started with big dreams in our hearts - we're going to excel in our careers, excel as parents, excel in our walks with God. We get started, but then things get difficult, and achieving our goals doesn't happen as quickly as we had hoped. Discouragement sets in, and we start to give up.
Look yourself in the mirror and say, "I am not going to settle for mediocrity. Nothing may be going my way right now, but I'm going to trust God to help me expand my horizons and keep believing for all that He has for me. I'm going to make it." Focus on your goal, set your course, and have the attitude, I'm going to reach my full potential in God. I'm going to start living my best life now!


n. 名詞
    1. 平凡; 平庸
    2. 平庸的人


倒空自已 — 學習倒空自己

生活中有許多不如意的事情了,不論是工作或家庭生活。這些長久以來不斷累積的情緒,對一般人會帶出 2 種結果:
往光明的方向去 ,走入驕傲。

人心是驕傲的,他們總以為自己還不錯,過於高估自己的能力,因此他們還不夠資格觀看上帝的榮耀。... 人必須倒空自已,才有空間讓上帝做工,這就是為什麼上帝要讓人遇到苦難困境,因為人的盡頭是上帝的起頭,惟有在束手無策,呼救無門時,人才能認識自己的愚蠢無能,才能經驗上帝的大能。


Step Out of Your Comfort Zone - 《Your Best Life Begins Each Morning》

It doesn't take any more effort to stay filled with faith than it takes to develop a negative attitude.
People who see their dreams come to pass are people who have some resolve, some backbone; people who refuse to settle for somewhere along the way....
Don't fall into a complacency trap. It doesn't take any more effort to stay filled with faith than it takes to develop a negative attitude. Dare to step out of your comfort zone today. God has so much more in store. Keep pursuing and keep believing.

n. 滿足; 自滿


Unpack Your Dreams - 《Your Best Life Begins Each Morning》

在和老闆 one-on-one coaching 之後,讀到這本書的第一篇:Unpack Your Dreams,感觸很深。
What do you want to do with your life? If you could write your best life story this morning, what would it say? Is your first reaction to see and describe yourself in terms of past experiences or present limitations, more in terms of losing or just surviving rather than fulfilling your dreams?
If you've packed away your dreams, dare to unpack them today and ask God to rekindle them today in your heart and mind.
It's time to enlarge your vision.
勇敢地去把塵封的夢想打開 — unpack my dreams!