
2009 IAF ASIA Annual Facilitators Conference

第 12 屆 IAF 國際引導者協會亞洲年會在台灣
IAF,國際引導者協會,是一個服務「引導者 (Facilitator)」的組織。
IAF 每一年都有年會,今年台灣是亞洲區的主辦國。 
史蒂芬先生參加,見證世界各地的 Facilitator 的努力與貢獻。
年會時間是 8/28 ~ 8/31,史蒂芬先生參與了
8/28 - 有效提問:透過五個程序架構1800問題 (Making Questions Work: 5 rocess Frameworks for 1800 Questions)
8/29 am - 以色彩與繪圖為你的未來做準備 (Gearing Your Future With Colors and Graphics)
8/29 pm - 肯定式領導力在引導上的應用 (Appreciative Leadership in Facilitation)
8/30 am - 讓專案結果展現負責與可信的工具 (Tools to Build Accountability for Outcomes)
8/30 pm - 當 MEETING 2.0 遇見WEB 2.0-探索參與式的網路科技與參與式流程的整合 (MEETING 2.0 Meets WEB 2.0 Explorations in the Integration of Participatory Processes with the Participatory Web...)
8/31 - 引導有意義的遊戲與活動 (Facilitating Meaningful Games and Activities)
有效提問:透過五個程序架構 1800 問題

Facilitator 是 Dorothy Strachan,來自於加拿大。
主要是以《Making Questions Work》這本書作為基礎,學習讓整個引導過程以「問題」串連起來。
其中,Five Process Frameworks 為:

1. Opening Session
        1.1 Getting to know one another
        1.2 Clarifying expectations
2. Enabling Action
        2.1 What?
        2.2 So what?
        2.3 Now what?
3. Thinking Critically
        3.1 Making assumptions and perspectives explicit
        3.2 Understanding interests and power relationships
        3.3 Exploring alternative ways of thinking and acting
        3.4 Making ethical choices
4. Addressing Issues
        4.1 Understanding the situation
        4.2 Clarifying the issues
        4.3 Generating operations for action
        4.4 Testing options for action
        4.5 Making a decision
        4.6 Taking action
5. Closing Session
        5.1 Looking backward: wrapping up the process
        5.2 Looking forward: considering next steps




這一堂課非常有趣,和以往的 Facilitator Training 不一樣。
Facilitator 是 Lee Seng Teck,來自於新加坡。
主要的目的是以「手繪」代替「投影片」(誰說一定要有 PowerPoint 才能工作?)

課程中,有許多的練習,最後驗收的則是利用 30 分鐘製作一份「Menu for Café shop」


大家都認真地、投入地為自己的 Café Shop 設計。
最後,大家評選出最佳的 2 位。

相形之下,史蒂芬先生的就... 單薄了一些...

Facilitator 是 Laura Hsu 和 Larry Philbrook,主要是以「肯定式探詢」(Appreciative
Inquiry) 為基礎,探討在領導上的應用方法。
史蒂芬先生去年上過 Appreciative Inquiry 的課程,並且在公司內的各種 Workshop
Facilitator 是 Marian Pitters,來自加拿大。
Responsibility (you do what you agree to do), Accountability (ability to account to others what you did and how you did it), 和 Assumptions 的不同。
之後,針對 Building Accountability for Outcomes,進行 3 個步驟的練習:
Phase 1: Diagnose Factors Impacting on Outcomes Implementation
Phase 2: Design the Check-in System for Increased Accountability
Phase 3: Enable People Leadership of Implementation
課程上到一半,史蒂芬先生想到:「好像該去關心一下參與 Workshop 的夥伴了!」
當 Meeting 2.0 遇見 Web 2.0 - 探索參與式的網路科技與


Facilitator 是 Mark Pixley。
沒想到來分享 Web 2.0 與 Meeting 2.0 的人是一位有一點年紀的「大哥」...
在短短 2 個小時內,Facilitator 設計了活動,讓參與者把自己周邊有關 Web 2.0
當場利用 twitter 聯繫全世界,並展示 Mindmeister 怎麼達成 Collaboration
Facilitator 是 Jimbo Clark,史蒂芬先生還算是認識。
早在今年就已經見識到 Jimbo 的引導功力,這次整整一天的時間,好好像他學一些做一個 Facilitator 的態度與技巧。
有時候,Facilitator 成功了,Group 卻失敗了;反之,Facilitator 失敗,卻意外引發
Group 成功,
如果,所有的引導都不 Work ,但是,或許...當你看到團隊成員在被壓得喘不過氣來的工作中,得到開懷放聲大笑時,
Facilitator 的存在本身就是一種「有意義」。

說得多了一些,希望你能多瞭解一點 Facilitator 的工作與訓練的過程。


關於勇氣與探索的 2 段話


如果不航向大海,我就無法回到陸地。(Tom Hanks, Cast Away, 2000) 


Tim Brown 直接講 Design Thinking

IDEO 創辦人 Tim Brown 在 2006 年應 MIT 邀請的演講,其中談到許多 Design Thinking 的原理原則,值得一看。

“Insights are about getting out into the world, connecting with new things. Designers see the world as a source of innovation, not just validation. ”
~ Tim Brown


Vocabulary and phrase - September-13~19


vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
1. 徵募(新兵);吸收(新成員)
   Our club has recruited 30 new members this year.
2. (增加人員)充實(部隊等)
   America recruited her population with new settlers from Europe.
3. 雇用,聘用
   Most of the teachers there are recruited from abroad.
4. 補充
   Before sailing, we recruited our provisions.
5. 使恢復健康(或體力等)
   The rest and the drink recruited him.

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)
1. 招募新兵;招收新成員
   His job was to recruit for the army.
2. 【罕】得到補充
3. 【罕】恢復健康(或體力等)
   He came to the seaside to recruit.

n. (名詞 noun)[C]
1. 新兵;新手
   New recruits are trained at the boot camp.
2. 【美】復員士兵
3. 新成員[(+to)]
   Our music club needs new recruits.
4. 補給品

Succinct    a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 簡練的;簡潔的
   Write a succinct, one sentence to guide the team.
2. 壓縮在小範圍內
3. (衣服等)緊貼身體的

Springboard    n. (名詞 noun)
1. 跳板
2. 出發點
3. (議論等的)發端
   To act as a springboard for innovation, the challenge should be re-framed in a human -centered way.

a. (形容詞 adjective)[B]
1. 構成(全體)的,組成的
   the constituent parts of an atom
2. 選舉的;任命的
3. 有憲法制定(或修改)權的;有組閣權的
   a constituent assembly

n. (名詞 noun)[C]
1. 成分,組成的要素
   the constituents of cement
2. 選民,選舉人
3. 委託人
4. 【語】成分,結構成分



HOLI, India

Pig of God Festival, Taiwan
Dragon Boat Festival, Taiwan 龍舟節 / 端午節
Chinese New Year, Taiwan 新年
The Mid-Autumn Festival, Taiwan 中秋節

* A popular harvest festival celebrated differently by Asians dating back over 3,000 years to moon worship in China's Shang Dynasty.
* Also considered a harvest festival since Farmers celebrate the end of the Summer harvesting season on this date.
* Celebrated on the 15 th day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar usually around mid or late September when the moon is at its brightest, i.e.) Sept. 14, 2008.
* The Mid-Autumn Festival and Chinese New Year are the two most important holidays in the Chinese calendar.
* Also celebrated as:
    o Moon Festival - China
    o Ch’usok - Korea
    o Lantern Festival / Mooncake Festival - Malaysia and Singapore

How is the Mid-Autumn Festival celebrated?

* Family members and friends will gather to admire the bright Autumn moon and eat moon cakes and pomeloes (Chinese grapefruit) together.
* Accompanying the celebration, there are additional cultural or regional customs such as:
    o Brightly lit lanterns are carried or displayed.
    o Burning incense in reverence to deities including Chang'e.
    o Prior to the festival, shops will sell mooncakes with pictures of Chang'e floating to the moon.
    o Moon cakes are often eaten outside under the bright moon.
    o Collecting dandelion leaves and distributing them evenly among family members.
    o Putting the large pomelo rinds on one's head for fun.  

Race of the Saints, Italy & US

SONGKRAN, Thailand

EASTER, Philippines




UP HELLY-AA, Shetland

Halloween, Global
* The jack-o'-lantern can be traced back to the Irish legend of Stingy Jack, a greedy, gambling, hard-drinking old farmer who tricked the devil into climbing a tree and trapped him by carving a cross into the tree trunk
* In revenge, the devil placed a curse on Jack, condemning him to forever wander the earth at night with the only light he had: a candle inside of a hollowed turnip
* Celebrated in several countries of the Western world including:
    o Ireland (where it originated)
    o United States
    o Canada
    o Puerto Rico
    o United Kingdom
    o Japan
    o New Zealand
    o Parts of Australia 

Oktoberfest, Munich-Germany
* A sixteen-day festival held each year in Munich, Bavaria, Germany during late September (and running to early October)
* Annual attendance: Six million!
* Oktoberfestbiers are the beers that have been served at the event in Munich since 1818

Thanksgiving, Global
* A traditional North American holiday to:
    o Express gratitude for things one has at the end of the harvest season
    o Share the fruits of the harvest with those who are less fortunate.
* "Turkey Day" Thanksgiving is celebrated on:
    o 2 nd Monday of October in Canada
    o 4 th Thursday of November in the United States

Vocabulary and phrase - September-6~12

immerse    vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
1. 使浸沒[(+in)]
    He immersed his feet in water.
3. 使埋首於;使深陷於[(+in)]
    His brother was immersed in debts.
    She was immersed in her work.
    Use design environments to fully immerse cross-functional teams in the challenge
Chuck    n. (名詞 noun)【口】[C]
1. (肉、木材等的)大塊,厚片
    a chunk of meat
    use building blocks to break the challenge into more manageable chunks
2. 【美】矮而壯實的人(或馬)
3. 相當大的部分(或數量)
    a good chunk of time

Persona    n. (名詞 noun)
1. 【拉】小說(或戲劇)中的人物;角色;人物表
    It must be difficult to play various personae in the same movie.
2. 人
    The diplomat was declared persona non grata.

Personae    (persona的複數)

Trophy    n. (名詞 noun)
1. 戰利品;勝利紀念品;獎品[C]
    In his athletic career he won three cups and many other trophies.
2. 古希臘、羅馬的勝利紀念碑

Artifact    n. (名詞 noun)
1. 人工製品;手工藝品;加工品

Festivity    n. (名詞 noun)
1. 歡慶,歡樂[U]
2. 慶典,慶祝活動[P]
    The festivities include parades, banquets, and balls.

Festival    n. (名詞 noun)
1. 節日,喜慶日[C]
    Christmas is one of the major festivals in the United States of America.
2. (定期舉行的)音樂節,戲劇節[C]
    Our city holds a music festival every year.
3. 慶祝活動;紀念活動[C]
    hold a festival on Independence Day
4. 歡樂,喜慶[U]

a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 節日的;喜慶的
    We all wore festival costumes to the ball.


Celebrate What's Right With The World - quotation

Dewitt Jones 在 Celebrate What's Right With The World〉中的經典句子:

“The right vision. It keeps us open to possibilities, it gives us energy, and it makes us much more accepting of change.”
“When we believe it, we’ll see it.”
“Do we choose to see those possibilities? Do we truly believe that they’re there?”
“Perception controls our reality and if we don’t believe it, we won’t see it.”
“As I celebrated what was right with the world, I began to build a vision of possibility, not scarcity. Possibility... always another right answer.”
“By celebrating what’s right, we find the energy to fix what’s wrong.”

Celebrate What's Right With The World - boy


Celebrate What's Right With The World - for God

本來是要找 Dewitt Jones拍的 〈Celebrate What's Right With The World〉,結果在 YouTube 上看到這一支 Video,非常棒!


Do you choose to see the possibilities?
Do you really believe they are there?

What if the pile of bricks...

Never became this cathedral?

Do you see the field of weeds?
Or the beauty of God's creation?

Do you see the cracks in the earth?
Or can you see the opportunity to gain a different view by slipping in the the cracks?

Do you see a boy getting his new pants soaked?
Or a child loving to play?

Do you see a hardened old man?
Or amazing strength, built from many years of hard work?

Do you see the difficulty in the mountain you must climb?
Or is the mountain the means to get a better view?

Do you see the long road agead?
Or the chance to take a trip with the ones you love?

Do you see just mud?
Or the chance to get dirty?

Do you see a homeless man?
Or someone's father? Someone's son? Someone's brother? Someone God loves?

Do you keep hearing just the bad news?
Or can you get to to the place where you allow God to use you in new ways?

Do you just see what is wrong with the world?
Or can you celebrate what's right with it?

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在談到 User Experience Design 時的迷思,有一則問句進入史蒂芬先生的腦海中:"Is everything has to be original?"


There’s no need to reinvent the wheel to solve every problem.
Don’t be afraid to borrow or even outright steal ideas that are so common they’ve become part of the universal language of design.